ReggaeDub Patterns #1 - Ableton Live 11 and above - ShieldrumRecords
Jideh High Elements
Built by Jideh High Elements, Reggae Dub Pattern # 1 is a set of tools for composition inspired by Dub & Reggae Music
7 MIDI Loop Packs each with DRUMS,BASS,CHORDS , already organized and loaded with Instruments :
SHR DrumRack - Loaded with my DMX Oberheim samples
SHR BassRack - Based on Wavetable Synth
SHR KeysRack - Based on GrandPiano
SHR FxRacks - aux sends 1 & 2
Easy Maccro Control on all racks
7 MIDI Loop Packs each with DRUMS,BASS,CHORDS , already organized and loaded with Instruments : SHR DrumRack - Loaded with my DMX Oberheim samples SHR BassRack - Based on Wavetable Synth SHR KeysRack - Based on GrandPiano SHR FxRacks - aux sends 1 & 2 Easy Maccro Control on all racks
116 MB
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